Tuesday, June 26, 2007

CFP: Cityscape (US Department of Housing and Urban Development)

CFP: Cityscape (US Department of Housing and Urban Development)

Cityscape, published three times a year by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development and Research, is accepting submissions to its new Refereed Papers section. Cityscape is published both in hard copy and online. We welcome high-quality submissions in all areas of housing and urban policy, from all relevant disciplines.

Topics might include data collection, economic opportunity and self-sufficiency, fair housing, home ownership and housing finance, housing technology, effectiveness of government programs, international comparative housing policy analysis, regulatory barriers to affordable housing, rural housing, housing for persons with special needs, subsidized housing, university partnerships, urban revitalization and community development, and urban trends. Our referee process is double-blind and timely, and our referees highly qualified.

The Managing Editor also will give guidance to authors about the suitability of papers proposed in outline form.

Send manuscripts or outlines: to Cityscape@hud.gov.

Mark Shroder
HUD Office of Policy Development and Research
Email: cityscape@hud.gov
Visit the website at http://www.huduser.org/periodicals/cityscape.html